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What is PARIS?

Harnessing Nature's Energy.

PARIS is our AI-driven software platform that optimises renewable technology. Combining our advanced forecasting engine, optimisation algorithm and control interfaces, PARIS identifies the optimal strategy to manage your renewable assets.

PARIS will then control the asset to deliver on this strategy, maximising the value it delivers.


The first step in maximising your energy is understanding your energy needs using our AI-driven Forecasting Engine.


The PARIS Decision Engine maps out all your energy asset opportunities and identifies your asset optimisation plan.


PARIS will discover and utilise all revenue opportunities, trading your assets in all energy markets, diversifying your revenue streams.


PARIS automatically controls your assets through managing the energy flows to deliver profitability through efficiency.

Making your energy work for you

PARIS continuously assesses and analyses every aspect of your energy assets, making informed decisions on how to maximise your return on investment.

AI Forecasting Engine

AI Forecasting Engine

Machine-learning enables PARIS to predict site generation, site consumption, market needs and income opportunities for every 15 minutes of the day.

Energy Optimisation

Energy Optimisation

Using the Forecasting Engine’s predictions, PARIS then determines the optimal pathway to maximise the value of your energy through a decision to: store it, use it, trade it, or sell it.

Stacked Income and Trade Execution

Stacked Income and Trade Execution

PARIS can stack income opportunities in energy markets, placing trades for you and delivering on committed trade positions.

Driving Value

Driving Value

By controlling your storage or flexible asset, PARIS delivers optimal usage to drive value.

Wow it works BG
The power is in your hands Paris Insights
Effortlessly track your energy assets wherever you are with the PARIS Insights mobile app. Get energy consumption and generation data, as well as vital insights into your energy savings and environmental impact.
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